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SKYGEN Invites Payers to Revolutionize Network Development at MSDA 2024

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Last month the MSDA brought Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIP dental program leaders together in Alexandria, Virginia to exchange innovative ideas for improving the administration of oral healthcare services and oral health equity in Medicaid plans. This annual event is a favorite for the SKYGEN team, and we especially enjoyed the MSDA’s 20th Anniversary reception dinner held at the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. 

Better Ways to Navigate Network Development

SKYGEN Chief Innovation and Growth Officer John Schaak and Business Development Advisor Matt Martin collaborated with representatives from Medicaid plans in Nebraska and Missouri and United Healthcare Vice President of Data Operations Carma Ericson in a panel discussion about reducing administrative burden for providers as a strategy for growing networks. Network development is a perpetual obstacle for Medicaid plans, and one that SKYGEN can help payers overcome with technology.

Network development comes with multiple legislative, regulatory, and administrative requirements. Providers must enroll with multiple MCOs, often using different types of  credentialing applications and state- and payer-specific requirements. They’re also providing an updated packet of information to each MCO every three years. The workload can be even greater for providers with offices in multiple states. 

The SKYGEN Dental Hub™ is the solution United Healthcare is using to streamline credentialing for Medicaid plans. The Dental Hub is a one-stop shop for claims, benefits, eligibility, provider directories, and credentialing across multiple payers. Providers need just one portal to keep their credentialing application up to date for all payers. Real-time verification tells providers if there are errors with the application, so they can be corrected before submission, saving time and work. Payers are able to get providers credentialed in seconds, instead of days, weeks or months.

In addition to streamlining credentialing, the Dental Hub reduces administrative burden in other ways as well: 

  • One login for all payers, all locations, all in one place
  • Every user gets their own login to make it more secure
  • User experience is dynamic on a user-by-user basis, making administrative work easier and less time-consuming
  • Smart messaging makes it easy for payers to get in front of providers directly
  • Notifications help keep providers on track with administrative tasks 
  • Eligibility information for all payers is all in one place
  • Providers can maintain directory information for multiple payers in a single place, which helps to improve the accuracy of provider directories with less work

SKYGEN built the Dental Hub to be a powerful tool for Medicaid by reducing administrative burden on payers and providers. In addition to United Healthcare, several other leading payers are using the SKYGEN Dental Hub. With 42,500 registered users, 30,500 providers and 15,500 businesses registered, the Dental Hub connects dental stakeholders in one place to transform the delivery of dental care. 

SKYGEN’s John Schaak Joins MSDA Board

During the Symposium, John Schaak was elected to the MSDA Board of Directors. John’s election continues our participation in ongoing industry discussions as SKYGEN Clinical Director of Benefits Management Dr. Shirley Spater, DMD, MPH, FADPD, DABSCD ends her Board term. 

SKYGEN is committed to ensuring Medicaid plans have the technology and benefits administration services they need to improve access to care. We thank the MSDA for this opportunity to help catalyze innovation and collaboration to improve Medicaid plans.

Learn how you can transform the delivery of health benefits with SKYGEN.