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SKYGEN’s Clinical Council Shares Exciting Innovations in Preventive Dentistry with Guided Enamel Remineralization Treatments – Watch the Webinar!


Dental providers see early dental lesions every day in a large percentage of their patients, and until now, the best practice was to flag the tooth for evaluation at the next appointment. Guided Enamel Remineralization is a breakthrough treatment that improves patient outcomes and reduces costs substantially by treating early in hopes of eliminating the need for future invasive procedures to treat caries. Dr. Larry Paul, Chief Dental Officer at SKYGEN and host of the SKYGEN Clinical Council webinar series for dental clinicians, recently invited the pioneers of this anti-cavity therapy Swiss biomimetic dental company vVARDIS to share the innovation on the cusp of transforming preventive dentistry. Dr. Paul is joined by Swiss dentists and sisters, Dr. Haley Abivardi and Dr. Goly Abivardi, CEOs and founders of vVARDIS, and Adriana Forino, RDH and North America Oral Science Liaison for vVARDIS. Watch the 30-minute webinar.

Eliminating the “Watch and Wait” with Dental Lesions
“We’re seeing more uptake of this treatment with insurers and DSOs,” says Dr. Paul. “It enables providers to treat one of the most pervasive dental problems with a minimally invasive approach that improves the patient experience and health outcomes significantly.”

vVARDIS’s innovative approach to guided enamel remineralization is a one-application dental therapy providers can perform during the same visit to arrest early caries lesions and support tooth remineralization. Concurrently, the integration of new CDT codes supporting billing for remineralization therapies (D2991) creates an exciting opportunity for insurers to cover the treatment and support the move to a more effective way to treat early caries.

Transformative Approach in Preventive Dental Care
Remineralization therapies like the one offered by vVARDIS have the potential to solve or eliminate what has become an oral health crisis in the U.S. and around the world by offering a faster, less invasive, and pain-free treatment that

  • patients, including young patients and those with developmental disabilities, can more easily tolerate
  • can be performed by general dentists and hygienists for pediatric patients, creating greater access to care
  • can be delivered in mobile clinics and non-brick-and-mortar settings
  • reduces costs, also creating greater access

Hear more about this transformative approach from the clinicians. Watch the webinar now!

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